Coaching & mentoring
“Coaching is unlocking people’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.”
Sir John Whitmore
I provide 1:1 coaching and mentoring that allows you a safe space, and the time, to reflect on your current situation, improve your awareness and release your potential. I can help you make progress with solving problems, reaching your goals and creating change.
Our collaborative conversation will focus on what is going on for you now, and where you want to be. My approach blends questioning, listening, observation and feedback to create an environment that promotes insight and learning. You’ll gain fresh ways to resolve issues, produce better results and achieve your goals more effectively.
With coaching you can develop personally and benefit from:
• Improved sense of direction & focus
• Accelerated learning around a distinct topic, e.g. managing people, relationships, influence
• Improved performance in an area, e.g. professionally, financially etc.
• Increased knowledge of self/self-awareness
• Improved personal effectiveness, e.g. focused effort on priorities
• Increased motivation or sense of personal engagement
• Increased resourcefulness/resilience, e.g. ability to handle change
Whether you are a lawyer, professional or entrepreneur at any stage of your career, I can call on more than 35 years’ experience as a partner, mentor and trainer in leading national law firms, a leader of high performing teams and business adviser.